There's been a lot of talk about "Smash," the mid-season freshman musical offering from NBC. I'm hooked, are you? When we were all given the opportunity to watch the pilot online before the premiere, I took advantage. I know a lot of people were saying that Katherine McPhee didn't have that "spark" she's supposed to have as Karen, but I saw it--in an understated way. She's getting more believable each episode I see.
Let's talk about the hateful characters, and get that out of the way. Ugh, Ivy. We are set up to hate her from her very first scene, am I right? She just gets worse and worse. She's annoying and typical sleep-with-the-director buxom-y blond bombshell. Perfect for Marilyn! Well, minus the annoying part, I suppose. To be completely honest with you, I don't think I've seen a single Marilyn film, including "My Week with Marilyn." Am I the only one enjoying watching Ivy struggle in the last episode? Serves her right!
Then we have little assistant boy, Ellis. I actually really liked him the first episode but he's such a little twerp. So gross! Something is going down with him and it ain't gonna be good.
I originally watched the show because of Debra Messing. "Will & Grace" was one of my favorites and I was a fan of "The Starter Wife." But giving her character, Julia, a gay best friend? Maybe a little TOO "Will & Grace" for some people. Not for me! Debra's timing has always been spot on and this show is no exception. I thoroughly enjoy watching her in this role.
One of the strengths of "Smash" is that in addition to delving into the lives of just the top billed characters, the show gives us a full view into the lives of basically ALL the characters (even Ellis). I think it's only going to get better!
Anjelica Huston plays Eileen, the producer with no money except for her soon-to-be ex-husband's money. Problem, much? I'm sometimes torn on her scenes. The throwing a drink in her husband's face is going to get old soon, but it certainly provides a fun little moment for Eileen, doesn't it?
The only thing I don't love about this show is the random break-into-song moments. They don't always work. I get that Karen wants to be sexy but singing "It's a Man's World" to herself in the mirror didn't come off as all that natural. That's part of what irks me about "Glee." Too many unnecessary songs. I'm hoping "Smash" will keep the random singing to a minimum while playing up the music numbers that really matter!
I think this show has found it's place though I can't speak to the accuracy of any of it (which apparently is pretty horrid according to
this blog). Though I do wonder what they'll do next season. Will "Marilyn The Musical" be the show they work on throughout the whole series? How would that work? Or will they focus on a new show? I guess we'll just have to wait and see!